

Studying in Plymouth?

We LOVE students here at St. Matts and want to see students find faith, grow in faith and find a home from home in the church.

Find out what’s going by joining our Facebook group and follow our student Instagram (@stmstudents) account.

Need more details, want to get stuck in or just fancy a chat and a coffee? Then contact our Student Pastor, Mike Knight - He’d love to hear from you! We can't wait to meet you and we are so excited for this year!


Student Nights

Thursday night is Student Night. We meet at 7:30pm at St. Matt’s for fun and games, worship, a short talk and we split off into small groups to catch up and chat through the topic together.



Student small groups meet as part of our Thursday Students Nights as well as heading out together to hang out during the week. Throw yourselves into getting to know each other and being 'family' in whatever ways you can! There are also all sorts of small groups across the church that you can be a part of and get to know people from the wider church family.